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Review 4

(part 4 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review)  What happens if we skip review? OK, let’s be honest here.  I know that every single song won’t get practiced seven days a week.  However, there are definitely some consequences if you and your child don’t make comprehensive review …

Review 3

(part 3 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review) What should we review? Twinkles—The Twinkle variations contain the basic techniques needed in most of the songs your student will ever play.  Use them to review until you are 45! The Review Piece—After your student has learned a few …

Review 2

(part 2 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review) Why should review be part of every practice? (continued from previous …

Review 1

(part 1 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review) Why should review be part of every practice? Success—Your student …