Review 2
(part 2 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review)
Why should review be part of every practice?
(continued from previous post)
Performance—Keeping songs polished through review practice means your student always has something to play for others. When grandma comes to visit and says “How are piano lessons going?” he can show her! When a friend says “Wow, you have a piano. Can you play it?” she can confidently do so! Review songs are ready to go, providing a positive way for your student to share his/her developing talent with others.
Foundation—Each song in the Suzuki repertoire builds on concepts learned in previous songs. Students earn the right to learn new music by demonstrating a solid understanding of the old music. Success in harder songs is based on the secure foundation of skills acquired in easier songs.
Freedom—Review songs provide the perfect time for your student to explore. Encourage him/her to experiment with different tempos, dynamics, moods, positions on the keyboard—get creative! A secure foundation is the jumping off point for originality, expression, and developing an individual style of interpretation. Lightly Row today becomes a Beethoven sonata tomorrow, and review fosters the growth of the musicality needed for more mature pieces.