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Suzuki Method, Page 2

January Suzuki Quote

If a child hears good music from the day of his birth, and learns to play it himself, he develops sensitivity, discipine, and endurance.  He gets a beautiful heart.  –Shinichi Suzuki Suzuki’s ideas about the link between musical study and character development are an important part of his method.  It …

December Suzuki Quote

Success breeds success.  –Shinichi Suzuki A feeling of true accomplishment motivates ongoing effort.  Succeeding in one small step at a time provides the skills and the motivation to try the next step.  Positive feedback and encouraging correction can create an environment where true success is an ongoing experience.  Success can …

Lending Library

(The Lending Library posts are intended to highlight an item that I have purchased for my studio library.  I am happy to …

October Suzuki Quote

Listening until we remember is not enough.  We must listen until we cannot forget.  –Shinichi Suzuki Listening is the foundation for a …

Listening 1

(part 1 of 8 from the article The Benefits of Listening) Why is listening so important? Music is sound.  Plain and simple.  …

September Suzuki Quote

Slow practice means fast progress. Fast practice means slow progress. No practice means no progress.  –Shinichi Suzuki Careful, methodical practice takes the …

Suzuki Method 6

(section 6 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) Why do parents like Suzuki? Their children learn valuable life skills …

Suzuki Method 5

(section 5 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) Why do students like Suzuki? Suzuki music lessons offer customized instruction …

Suzuki Method 4

(section 4 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) What makes Suzuki different from other methods? Many other methods… …start …