Christmas Music
In case you didn’t notice, your students should be coming home with Christmas music either this week or next! I own the music and am happy to loan it to you. If your student just loves the book I’ve given him/her, most of them were purchased at Music and Arts off of Wadsworth and Bowles near the Bed, Bath and Beyond.
Speaking of Christmas music, there will NOT be a Christmas recital this year. I will hold the recital in the spring, probably in April to avoid the May end-of-year rush. In lieu of a Christmas recital, try encouraging your student to perform the Christmas song(s) they know for a group of family or friends sometime during the holiday season. Performance is a good encouragement for careful practicing, and a good way to overcome the fear and experience the joy of sharing something with others.
Speaking of loaning music, I am always glad to loan as much music as I can from my personal collection. Please encourage your student to be careful with music they borrow from me. (Don’t worry, I’m not thinking of anyone in particular who doesn’t take care of their music!!) My music library is continually growing and evolving, so if you or someone you know is cleaning out old music, consider letting me look through it before it ends up in the trash!
That’s all for now! Enjoy the beginning sounds of Christmas….