Review 4
(part 4 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review)
What happens if we skip review?
OK, let’s be honest here. I know that every single song won’t get practiced seven days a week. However, there are definitely some consequences if you and your child don’t make comprehensive review part of your practice routine.
- Your child will feel frustrated or embarrassed at lesson when they have trouble playing a song I ask for.
- Skills will have to be re-learned in later pieces if they are not maintained through review of easier songs.
- Your child’s confidence will suffer if there aren’t any songs she can play well.
- Practice and lesson time could become more tense if the child feels like he is always playing at the outer edge of his ability, barely hanging on and working incredibly hard to achieve results.
- The learning process gets stalled. When your child learned to talk, you didn’t teach her to say “Mommy” one day and then never use the word again! Learning is only complete when the skills are strongly established and easily applied.