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Suzuki Method 6

(section 6 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) Why do parents like Suzuki? Their children learn valuable life skills like persistence, working toward long-term goals, and sharing their gifts with others.  A lifelong bond with their child can be nurtured through daily focused time together.  Music becomes …

Suzuki Method 5

(section 5 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) Why do students like Suzuki? Suzuki music lessons offer customized instruction that fits with a variety of learning styles.  Students are able to feel truly successful because they are taught in small, achievable steps that progress toward a larger …

Suzuki Method 4

(section 4 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) What makes Suzuki different from other methods? Many other methods… …start students at ages 6-8 …emphasize music reading …introduce new concepts through exercises and made-up or simplified pieces …teach and then forget pieces …may or may not involve parents …

Suzuki Method 3

(section 3 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) What is the Mother Tongue analogy? Just as with babies and …

August Suzuki Quote

If love is deep, much can be accomplished.  –Shinichi Suzuki It is amazing how motivating the love of another person can be.  …

Suzuki Method 2

(section 2 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) What characteristics make up the Suzuki Method? Ongoing immersion in a …

Suzuki Method 1

(section 1 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) Who was Shinichi Suzuki? Shinichi Suzuki, born in Japan in …

Website Highlights 1

To orient you to the new blog, I’ll plan posts over the next few days that highlight some of the features and …

Recital Time!

Our spring recital is approaching faster than you might think! I will be discussing recital choices with your student over the next …