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Recital 2

(part 2 of 6 from the article Recital Time) Why do I have a recital? I feel that recitals are an important part of learning to play and appreciate music.  Recitals give students a goal to work towards in learning and perfecting their repertoire. Recitals provide motivation for students to review …

Review 5

(part 5 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review) How can we make practicing review songs more interesting? Play the …

Review 4

(part 4 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review)  What happens if we skip review? OK, let’s be honest here.  …

Review 3

(part 3 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review) What should we review? Twinkles—The Twinkle variations contain the basic techniques …

Review 2

(part 2 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review) Why should review be part of every practice? (continued from previous …

Review 1

(part 1 of 5 from the article How and Why We Review) Why should review be part of every practice? Success—Your student …