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Suzuki Method, Page 3

Suzuki Method 3

(section 3 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) What is the Mother Tongue analogy? Just as with babies and toddlers learning their native language, music can be taught through… …hearing: constant, ongoing, relevant, long-term exposure …response: attempts are rewarded with positive acknowledgment and small steps of progress …

August Suzuki Quote

If love is deep, much can be accomplished.  –Shinichi Suzuki It is amazing how motivating the love of another person can be.  The power of a parent’s attention and approval is enormous.  Don’t underestimate how much your words and actions matter to your child.  Also, don’t forget that music lessons …

Website: Suzuki Association of the Americas

This first web highlight post will review the website of the Suzuki Association of the Americas. Highlights: Article in the parent section summarizing the Suzuki method and providing answers to some frequently asked questions Find a teacher link, allowing you to search Suzuki teachers in a given area …

Suzuki Method 2

(section 2 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) What characteristics make up the Suzuki Method? Ongoing immersion in a …

Suzuki Method 1

(section 1 of 6 from the article Introduction to the Suzuki Method) Who was Shinichi Suzuki? Shinichi Suzuki, born in Japan in …

Website Highlights 3

New to the Suzuki Method?  Trying to explain it to grandma?  Wondering what “mother tongue learning” actually means?  Visit the Suzuki Method …